Technical Support

Tribulation Soldier Technical Support Image

The Tribulation Soldier


LAST UPDATED: January 2024

Due to the vast range of ever-changing devices you can use to read EBooks, we’ve composed this brief Technical Support Guide which applies to our PDF publications. However, you can download our eBooks to read on any device from Amazon.

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Technical Support Guide

Trouble Shooting

There are very few issues which can occur when downloading our packages and below, are the only two we’ve come across over the years…

The Package hasn’t arrived in my Email Account

The only way this particular issue can occur is if the end-user email address has been inputted incorrectly during the purchase process and in these instances, we’d ask you drop us an email and we’ll email the package to you.

The package hasn’t arrived in my Inbox

During busy periods, our packages may arrive in your spam inbox and this is mainly due to the sensitivity of some email provider’s spam filters, so if the package doesn’t arrive in your inbox, check your spam inbox.

Technical Information

Firstly, if you’re downloading our eBooks from any of our eBookstores, such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble, please refer to their individual technical guides as well as their specific terms, conditions and information.

Our EBook Packages have been made available in the simplest formats and the system we have for customer download is a straightforward process. The format and system download were chosen so our visitors, friends, and customers would have as simple and as trouble-free experience as possible when visiting our website. Typical download time for the EBooks is 6 seconds.

The EBook Packages available from our Online eBookshop, are presented in a PDF format for the EBooks.  Quite simply, this format was chosen due to it being the most common and widely used format capable of operating on a variety of devices. The PDF EBooks can be easily accessed by Adobe/Acrobat Reader/MS Word accessed by a Home PC, Laptop and Mobile Devices.

If you have an IPAD/Mobile type device, please check your device is compatible with these formats.  Most are however, they can display slightly differently depending on the device.  If your device is not capable of reading these files, you can download the EBooks on our Amazon, Nook, Kobo and Smashwords Shop Pages.

Once a visitor has completed the payment process, the package would be emailed automatically to the Home PC, Laptop, or Mobile Device through the email address provided.  Care must be taken to input the email address correctly in the purchase process as this will be the email address our automatic system uses to send the package.  If you make a mistake, don’t worry, just drop us an email and we’ll email the package of choice to you.


These EBook Packages have been designed to be as user-friendly as possible so if preferred, the EBooks can be printed onto A4 in large print, to be read as a handbook.

We hope this guide has been of benefit to you and if you require any more in-depth information about formatting, please visit our friends at who have an extensive guide as well as ‘Free Converter Apps’ which you can use on other applications.

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Contacting us

If our Frequently Asked Questions haven’t answered your question, please feel free to contact us on our website Q&A forum designed as our primary method of communication. This is the best way to contact us and is open Monday to Friday (GMT). So please post your question making the subject clear in the subject field.

Frequently Asked Questions

Author and Pastor Steven Birnie

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