The Military


The Tribulation Soldier




The Tribulation Soldier Series of Fictional eBooks are set from around twenty years before the rapture and at this point in this fictional history, the world is a very different place indeed. Many nations are recovering from great wars and rebellions which have changed their economics, their borders and trade with other countries. Some nations are still at war, however, most have changed their military structure, to become National Defence and Assistance Forces. In our fictional storyline, most nations have ceased overseas operations with a new Coalition having been formed called the Combined Allied Forces (CAF) made up mainly of Scottish, Irish, Russian and the United States Armed Forces. Each, however, remain independent countries, including the main nation featured throughout our eBooks of Scotland, where our main character serves as an Armour Infantry Corps Soldier.

The below is the simplified structure of the fictional Scottish Defence Force for our readers to see where Matt’s beloved Armour Infantry Corps fits into the SDF.

The Royal Army – Land Forces

Northern – The 1st Sutherland Division – The Macleod’s, Campbell’s and Fraser’s

Central – The 1st McPherson Division – The MacLean’s, Chattan’s and MacDonald’s

Southern Division – 1st McGregor Division – The Stewart’s, Montgomery’s and Lindsay’s

The Royal Air Force (Air) 

Northern – MacKay Squadron

Southern – Hamilton Squadron

Naval Squadrons – Various Air Wings

The Royal Navy – (Sea)

The North Sea Fleet (Eastern Flank)

The Arctic Fleet (Northern Flank)

The Allied Atlantic Fleet (Combined Scottish, Irish, the United States of America)

The Special Forces

GBC – Green Beret Commandos (Army)

PRT – Parachute Regiment Troopers (Air Force)

RMC – Royal Marine Commandos (Navy)

SRS – Special Reconnaissance Service (Army)

SAS – Special Air Service (Air Force)

SBS – Special Boat Service (Navy)

The Royal Armour Infantry Corps


So, this is how our Major Matt Dixon fits into the Scottish Defence Force and how the SDF is put together. Again, we’ve simplified the structure of the Armed Forces to that of a National Defence Force, which would be better suited to this now very different world.

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