The Tribulation Soldier Series News
If you’d like to know more about us or meet us, please feel free to visit our new personal Facebook page, which is attached to our website, at There, we’re busy loading family images and videos which include our motorbike vlog, family videos, our Christian playlist artists, and much more. However, Pastor Steven underwent major surgery in the month of November, so we’ll be a little limited over the festive period until our official launch in 2019. As always though, our eBooks are available to download 24/7 from our eBookshop pages which include Amazon, Nook and Kobo. Please see below for website construction…
The End Times, Rapture and Tribulation are a vast subject with the thread weaving throughout the scriptures from the Book Genesis to its conclusion in the Book of Revelations. This makes a book series, especially a 16 part series, a huge subject to present. So, we decided to release the first four eBooks in the series and have the next four written, with the remaining in progress at various stages. Then we turned our attention to building the Tribulation Soldier Online which included developing our website, blog, forum and of course our social media platforms all of which, have taken over 12 months to populate with images, videos, and support articles.
When completed, we hope that our visitors, friends, and readers will not only have the Tribulation Soldier ebooks series but enjoy our weekly blog articles, video sermons, Christian music and of course socializing on social media. At this stage, we’re populating this blog page with all of the end times teachings along with related articles as well as building our social media ministry pages. This will complete this season of construction and we certainly hope you enjoy the result.
Thank you so much for reading and we’ll keep everyone up to date with our progress on social media.
Pastor Steven Birnie
The Tribulation Soldier Series ******* The Tribulation Soldier Series ******** The Tribulation Soldier Series ****** The Tribulation Soldier Series ********** The Tribulation Soldier Series *********