The Role of the Tribulation False Prophet
JUNE BLOG NEWS – “…this is another article as we continue to populate our blog page. This time it’s the role of the false prophet in the Tribulation…”
(Rev 13:12) “…And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke as a dragon. And he exercises all the power of the first beast (the anti-christ)…..and he will do great wonders, so that he’ll make fire come down from heaven on the earth…”
There’s little said about the False Prophet, however it’s not difficult to piece together the false prophet’s role within the tribulation period. The Word tells us, that he will have great authority and power to be the anti-christ’s political and religious arm. He’ll show great signs and wonders deceiving the peoples of the earth with great miracles. Many believers will be killed at his bidding, as he speaks against God whilst magnifying the anti-christ. He’ll be given influence over trade and commerce and will give those who are deceived a mark, called the mark of the beast or, 666.
THE TRIBULATION SOLDIER – The false prophet’s role will be felt throughout the tribulation, so it’s only fitting that he and his actions, will be part of the Tribulation Soldier Books in our series. In fact, that same elite covert operative posing as a bodyguard will meet him face to face in our 10th ebook, ‘True lies Tribulation.’