A WEE PEEK – “..Over the months of writing and building the Tribulation Soldier Series there have been some teaching videos and Youtube videos I’ve personally wanted to have within the foundation of our online platform and this, the Revival Ride, is a big one…”

LATEST NEWS – This is an introduction to the revival ride video series beginning on September 30th 2019 onward. For the Motorbike Vlog, Tour and Mega Kids videos which accompany this article series, please visit our Birnie Family Youtube Channel or our Pastor Steven and Sharon Facebook page on our social media bar!
The Revival Ride Introduction
Over the course of 2018 and 2019, we’d built a social media video library which included our Motorbike Vlog, Scottish Tours and our Mega Kids. Basically, it’s heading out on the motorbike to vlog, film a video tour of our Scottish landmarks & castles and then Emily & David having fun in that same area. It’s been really enjoyable and after an operation gone wrong, five days on a breathing machine and a month in the hospital, it’s been a big part of my own surgery rehab. And now, it’s a regular feature of our social media platform surrounding the Tribulation Soldier Series.
Visit our Pastor Steven and Sharon Facebook
Over the months of writing and building the Tribulation Soldier Series there have been some teaching videos and Youtube videos I’ve personally wanted to have within the foundation of our online ministry and this, the Revival Ride, is a big one. Now for those who may not necessarily believe, we’ve kept the videos focused mainly on the vlog, tour and mega kids. However, for those believers interested in revivals, we’ll be posting a chapter of a book here on our blog page each week to accompany the locations. So this together should make a great and interesting series, giving me practice in our first vlogging series.
With the Revival Ride, we’ll visit seven fishing villages & towns on our northeast coast of Scotland, where the spirit of God swept through bringing many to him through the labors of the dearly departed James M’Kendrick. From his book ‘Seen and Heard’ it’s hoped that any reader will see the undeniable work of God, showing his tremendous love and willingness to forgive, among the fisherfolk of that time. Alongside actually visiting these places, we hope that it will be a real and authentic experience, blessing and encouraging along the way.
BLOG BLURB – The Motorbike Vlogs and book chapters are posted on Mondays with the Tour and Mega Kids on the Tuesday and Wednesday on our Birnie Family Youtube and Pastor Steven and Sharon Facebook Page. We certainly hope you enjoy!