The Girls Night Out
This is another in a series of articles as we continue to build our Blog page. Hope you enjoy!
In the previous testimony article, I shared about how I’d lacked the courage not to drink at my stag party. I asked God to give me a way through, which he did, by blocking the effects of 8 pints of beer and 8 glasses of whiskey! It really was a one-off miracle, but one that proved much to me as a Christian. But, it was now Sharon’s turn as the women began organizing a girl’s night. Now Sharon never really had an issue with alcohol before being saved, but I had pretty much been a milder alcoholic for some years. So her being in that environment again wasn’t a huge issue. And, she had a brilliant night with the girls.
They did the usual girls night stuff, but they respected the fact that we were Christians and just went ahead to plan a good time. Back at home, all was going well for a time but then, I started to feel agitated and troubled in my spirit. I didn’t even know what being troubled in my spirit was, but that was what happened. I paced the house and I just couldn’t get why I felt this way, so I headed upstairs to pray. I got myself quiet and looked up to him. Then, I put my head down and listened. But instead of any words, the smell of vodka filled my nostrils. Now, I had previously loved Budweiser and whiskey, but I hated the smell of vodka. I knew what he meant, so I picked up my mobile phone and called Sharon. When I caught her, she was in line to go into our city’s main nightclub and when I told her what happened, she graciously said the girls that she’d sit out the late night nightclub and head off home.
That was back in 2002 and when I look back, I find it amazing how many times we looked to God, to ask him for the assurance that he loved us and that we were on the right track. And he proved it, many times and he remained completely patient with us, even in our young unbelief in Him. But as we learned pretty quick, this life was never about us proving ourselves to him. It was about him proving himself to us.
The Girls Night Out ****** The Girls Night Out ******* The Girls Night Out ****** The Girls Night Out ***** The Girls Night Out ******* The Girls Night Out ********* The Girls Night Out *********