The Christian Marriage Model – Testimony #15

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The Christian Marriage Model

MARCH BLOG NEWS – “…we are continuing to populate our blog page with various articles including end times, teaching articles and this, our testimony series…”

That promise of children took a long time to come to pass and when we stood on that promise, we had no idea how many challenges we’d face, including four years of serious illness. This proved to us once more, that Sharon and I being unable to conceive was no barrier to him, but more importantly, having children any earlier than that specific date, would have been beyond challenging. In the end, it was a perfect time and both myself and Sharon got to enjoy the promise.

We were only a few months into our marriage and new life together and things were good in our relationship. Sharon had settled back into our home and we were still getting used to the new. Church was going good and we’d met new friends and now, we were attending the men’s and ladies bible studies. For me, there was a great subject which we were working through and perfectly timed. It was a simple series of teachings from a book called ‘Maximizing Manhood.’ Coming from our disastrous relationship, we were very keen indeed to continue our new lives on the right foot, so I took this one really seriously.

As the weeks passed, the teachings began to take effects in some brilliant ways, not least of which, was me taking my proper role as the head of the household. For Sharon, she started exploring what it meant to be a Christian wife and this set the wheels in motion for some big changes.   Before, I’d always left the money side up to Sharon. I didn’t really need it and as long as there were was food in the fridge, I was pretty much happy. But God had other ideas, as he switched the roles and changed our responsibilities.

We quickly realized, that being the head of the house mostly meant that the husband came last and the spiritual and emotional health of the family came first, which was his responsibility to oversee. Also, for the most part, finances and decisions became my responsibility. This role didn’t really suit me in many ways, because I’d been so used to Sharon dealing with most of these things and I really couldn’t be bothered with the hassle. However, God and God’s word were very clear, the man was to take that authority role in the home and the wife was called to be submissive. Now, before you pick up this message in the wrong light, let me explain.

There are teachings in God’s Word which explain very clearly, this relationship between a man and a woman. However, these teachings are there to be the foundation, upon which the fruit of the results grow. And the fruits are amazing. For however long we got used to this new family life, we saw that this authority/submission role was giving birth to new and proper respect, love, compassion, and understanding, not to mention a healthy mindset in our own Christian lives. Through God’s simple and genius word & ways, he was slowly transforming a former disastrous relationship into something new and very special.

We were amazed by the results, but we didn’t get there all that easily. Sharon took on the submission role with relative ease but for me, well I began in the way of being authoritarian. Thankfully though, this beaten out of me and within a short time, I was getting it right and our marriage began to grow and transform. We respected each other a great deal, we spoke more about the way we felt or what we were going through. We took decisions together and we took the failures together. But God’s genius foundation provided us with a great marriage, and we were going to need it.

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The Christian Marriage Model
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About Steven Birnie

Steven Birnie is a former local Church Minister and the author of Christian publications which include non-fiction, fictional and teaching eBooks with audio sermons. From the north-east coast of Scotland, Pastor Steven is married to Sharon and together, they have two young children called Emily and David. After seven years of training, three years of overseeing youth and young adults and, three years of being the Assistant Pastor in his local Church, Pastor Steven moved on to focus on writing Christian Publications. In the future, he hopes to write The Tribulation Soldier, his newest Series of Fictional, Military EBooks on the End Times, the Rapture and the Tribulation Period, as a 2.5 Million Word Series. But despite continuing pastoral work and writing, Steven remains devoted to his children, enjoying his family life with caravan holidays in the Highlands, fishing, canoeing and his favourite pastime, riding his motorbike through the Scottish countryside.