The Battle of Armageddon
(Rev 16:15) “…and he (the satanic) gathered them (the armies of the earth) into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon (Har Megiddon – The Hill of Megiddo)…”
This word is probably one of the most well-known words both within the Christian sphere and without and comes in the late tribulation following the 6th vial of wrath. The scriptures reveal that the river Euphrates will be dried, allowing the armies of the east to pass over into Palestine. Again, because the Tribulation could be 1 or 500 years in the future, it would be difficult to predict who these nations would be, but according to the east, they will come from what we know as China and India. All other nations will gather in this time with the false prophet convincing through signs and miracles, to join forces and come against the coming of Christ.
THE TRIBULATION SOLDIER – At the very beginning of our first eBook, we see a glimpse of these final weeks of the tribulation, where our main character is a part of the largest armada of ships and soldiers the world has ever seen. Together, this army sails toward Israel to come against the armies and await the second coming of Christ.
What is the Battle of Armageddon in the Bible? ********* What is the Battle of Armageddon in the Bible? ******* What is the Battle of Armageddon in the Bible? ********** What is the Battle of Armageddon in the Bible? ********** What is the Battle of Armageddon in the Bible? **********