Is Dabbling in the Occult Dangerous? – 2002
There’s a big difference in someone coming to Christ for the first time and for another like me, who had backslid away from God for many years. For Sharon, it was a wondrous experience with her life-changing overnight, having no fear of God and knowing how much he loved and accepted her. But for me, I’d sinned most of the sins that previous life choice had to offer, so my head was a real mess. Thankfully, we’d come to Jesus among a tremendously gifted pastoral couple, who were very experienced in deliverance and the things of the spirit. One day when we prayed together, the Pastor’s wife became uneasy and I could see she was focusing on God for some answers.
She then looked at me asking, had I ever dabbled in the occult in my years away from him. I genuinely said no, but just then, her husband asked me, have you ever used a Ouija board. It interested me that I’d said no to the first question, but for some reason, the second gave me pins and needles. Without warning, a cloud of anxiety overtook me and I began shaking with fear. In typical fashion, without being disrespectful, my pastor said that this was good, this would be easy. So, they began to pray for me and I shook all the more. At one point, I felt like a hand was gripping my neck and struggled to breathe.
All of a sudden, I could feel the presence of this spirit and then, I could feel the presence of God. It was then I experienced the first proper conviction of what I’d done in those years of backsliding. Here was I experiencing an unclean spirit, which was a speck of dust, and the spirit of the living God in the situation. That spirit had no-where to run. Afterward, I was very worn out and so too were my pastors. I felt a little empty and over those next few days, everything felt different like I was missing a part of myself. But there was one last question which kept niggling me. Why did I feel so much fear but be at peace at the same time? One morning while praying, I felt the Lord impress upon my heart with this sentence, “It wasn’t you that was scared.”
There were two purposes for adding this experience into this series of testimonies and one, is the very real and present danger of dabbling in the occult, believe me, but God is well able to dispatch unclean spirits by his will! And the other, is to encourage any Christian to stay on the path with God because of the disastrous results of backsliding. Sharon had an amazing new life, but it would take me seven years before the Lord very clearly showed me, that he’d completed the work. I’ll share more testimonies like this of those years but for now, if you’re a Christian, feeling yourself drifting from God or becoming tempted with the world, then please talk to a pastor or an experienced Christian, because friends, it seriously isn’t worth it.
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