The Heroin Addiction Miracle
With the wedding in the planning, we continued living apart, with Sharon living in her flat and me staying with my parents for a time. At that point, a close friend had been taking drugs for some time which most knew, but what we didn’t know, was that he was addicted to hard drugs. He was coming to a place in his life, where he wanted to stop, so with our support, he tried twice to withdraw. But after a short time, we’d find his room empty, as he went back for more.
Now anyone who has dealt with this before, especially with such a close friend, will know that it’s hell for the addict and very hard for any to watch. However, on this third occasion, this friend’s Christian mother walked into the room and he said, please pray for me. The mother wrapped her arms around her son and said nothing, but prayed to the Lord in her head. Immediately he felt hungry, next he was laughing and afterward, he ate the first proper meal he’d had in months. Today, he has a wife, beautiful kids, and a great job.
That day proved to me, that when a person sincerely looks to God for help and again I say sincerely, he will come to the aid of any in need, regardless of whether they truly believe in him or not. He is love itself and that word is Agape, selfless love. The kind of love that doesn’t quit on someone. The kind of love that says I will love you, even if you don’t respond to me. The kind of love that will keep no record of wrongs, that will bear all and endure all. That’s the kind of God we serve today and if Jesus would do this for one who doesn’t necessarily believe, then how much more will he come to your aid, as one of his children?
The Heroin Addiction Miracle ********* The Heroin Addiction Miracle ********** The Heroin Addiction Miracle ******* The Heroin Addiction Miracle *********** The Heroin Addiction Miracle ********