Surgery Gone Wrong
The Tribulation Soldier has been a colossal series to write with a huge task of building
Near the end of 2018 though, we were stopped in our tracks when a simple hernia surgery turned into a major issue. The short version – The surgical team handled my intestine too much causing my digestive system to shut down. As I drank in the hours afterward, the fluids went into my lungs causing a rare form of pneumonia, as well as a severe infection. In the days after, the situation deteriorated to the point where they had no option, but to sedate me and put me on a breathing machine.
Next, it was a fast ambulance ride through to our specialist hospital over 70 miles away, where I was in the intensive care unit for about five days. All in all, it was a month in the hospital over the course of November, with me only being able to remember the last week and a half. Some would see this as a major setback, but as a Christian, you tend to see it as part of the process, however, it was a tough time for my family. It was especially tough for my wife Sharon as she continued to work and take care of the kids all the while making the five-hour round trip to visit me.
At the moment, I’m going through surgery rehabilitation, which is basically eating, drinking and exercising to rebuild the muscle lost during that prolonged period of being in bed. But, I’m putting on weight & muscle and getting stronger each day. I’m feeling good, however, I’m under no illusions that it will take a few weeks before I’m 100%. So, although our eBooks can be downloaded 24/7 with the website features operating automatically, we will be limited for the next couple of weeks as I recover and move into our official 2019 launch.
Our weekly blog articles will resume at the beginning of February, and if you’d like to know more, please visit our new personal, ministry Facebook page @pastorstevenandsharon. There you’ll find updates as we continue to move forward, populating our social media with images and videos.