Our New Baby Rabbits
Now, this might sound like a small thing, but you wouldn’t believe how much work this surprise has brought with the introduction of our baby rabbits. The basics of the story go, that we bought Emily and David three Holland Lop Rabbits, two female and one male so that we could breed them at a later stage. According to our seller, the rabbits were at a certain age and wouldn’t be sexually mature for a few weeks. However, it was clear that the rabbits were much older than we were told when we found a little white baby rabbit on our back doorstep. As it turned out, there were several, meaning a series of videos for David and Emily’s YouTube and a series of videos for our Do It Yourself feature on our Birnie Family YouTube.
It has of course been great for the kids and now given Sharon a new hobby and for me, it’s created a lot of work to get our garden into shape, after a long break due to surgery recovery. Usually, we’ve allowed our rabbits to roam our back garden freely, but with the introduction of several new rabbits, I’ve had to do some major modifying. Good for our video library but still quite hard going for me as I continue surgery recovery. This is good though, in that you have to push yourself to do stuff which is a little beyond your physical level and I’m finally breaking the back of some of these jobs I’ve been keen to do.
So for now, this has given us a great project during the lockdown and given the kids no end of activities as they take care of them, feed and entertain them. And now that’s opened the way for another project for our Birnie Family YouTube. It’s put our motorcycle custom project behind, however, as always, you can only do what you can! The videos of the rabbits are being shared mainly on David and Emily’s Birnie Family Fun and the DIY videos on our Birnie Family YouTube channel. Hope you enjoy!