Monthly Newsletter
The Tribulation Soldier has been a colossal series to write and the surrounding social media where we share posts, images and videos have been equally huge. The hope is that any reader might enjoy the many features and subjects of our website from not only our YouTube, Instagram and Facebook, but from features such as our blog, forum and today’s subject, of our monthly newsletter.
This Newsletter has been in development for some time now with messages being sent when required, but now with the website, four Youtube channels and the many other features, it seems needful to expand the letter we send to include highlights from that month on social media. In this we’ll include some of the highlights from our Motorbike Vlog and Scottish Tour videos, as well as share links to important articles and pieces of news. So although we already keep our visitors up to date on a regular basis with what’s going on, we’ll have this newsletter as an added feature.
Signing up is easy, with only a name and email address required and a reader be sent an email near the end of each month straight into their email inbox. To sign up to our Newsletter, any can do so by clicking on the Newsletter image within the left sidebar of our webpages, filling in the brief registration. We hope that this will be another helpful feature for our readers to enjoy!