APRIL BLOG NEWS – “…Our newsletter will begin circulation in the second half of 2019 as we continue the build, however, you’re more than welcome to sign up to receive your updates via email…”
Free Monthly Newsletter
Email Newsletters have been around for years and are sure to be around for some time to come. Even though social media presents the best and easiest way to inform readers of various news and features, those monthly newsletters still provide that essential link. So as part of our online platform, we have a free monthly newsletter for those who wish to have updates via their email. These updates will contain a mixture of ‘in case you missed it’ stand-out posts of the previous month as well as a brief message from me about the coming month.
Signing up is easy, just click on the newsletter image displayed on the website and input your email address. We’ll send out our email at the end of the month as well as occasional messages about important updates. We hope that this will be a great tool in our line-up of features for our new and future readers to enjoy.