Faith Toward God – Christian Back to Basics #2

The First Principles of the Oracles of God

Faith Toward God – Sermon Notes

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Faith: (Hebrews: 11:1) “…now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen…” Now faith is the ground or confidence of things hoped for, a sure conviction or persuasion concerning the unseen.

Towards God: We believe in the Lord God of Israel, the creator and maker of heaven and earth, eternally existing in three persons – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

The First Principles and foundation of our faith can be found by examining who we are in Jesus Christ and who Jesus Christ is in us.

(1 Cor 1:30) “…but of him, ye are in Christ Jesus, who God has made unto us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption…”

Three important words which appear throughout the scriptures which are an essential understanding, quite simply;

Righteousness – Right standing

Sanctification – Set apart

Redemption – Purchased

To fully understand who we are in Christ we must first know who we are and what makes us up as God created us. God made man as a triune (three) being made up of spirit, soul and body. (2 Thess 5:23) “…whole spirit, whole soul and whole body…” The Epistle clearly showing us the three parts of man. It was so from creation. (Gen 2:7) “…and God formed man from the dust of the ground (body) and breathed into his nostrils (spirit) the breath of life and man became a living soul (soul)…”

In Brief…

The body – The visible part of a man, the flesh and blood, living, breathing

The soul – The invisible part, the seat of the mind, the will and the heart

The spirit – Invisible, closely connected to the soul, seat of higher thought

The scriptures show us three distinct parts which make us up as a human-being. However, as a Christian, we have not one but two natures which seek to govern who we are, the Spirit of God within us and the old flesh…

The Spirit

(1 Cor 3:16) “…know ye not that ye are the temple and the Spirit of God dwells within you…”

The Flesh

(Rom 7:18) “…for I know that in me that is to say my flesh dwells no good thing…”

The scriptures show us that we’re made up of three different parts and not only that, we have two natures which seek to govern thought. One the Spirit of God which is described as being perfect, (1 John 1:5) “…God is light and there is no darkness in him at all…” and a flesh which Paul described as being of no good thing. These two natures are complete opposites, so how do we apply our righteousness, sanctification and redemption to who we are by faith??

The Spiritual Nature (Positional Faith) – This represents our unmoving position in the eyes of God, the spiritual nature given to us is fully righteous, fully sanctified and fully redeemed, giving us the grace to come before a perfect God bought by Jesus Christ.

Our Spirit and Soul (Progressive Faith) – (Rom 12:2) “…be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind…” The scriptures tell us of the need for renewal, this shows us there is a part of us which is not righteous, not sanctified and not redeemed to God. This is our progressive faith, day by day becoming more like Christ, more right standing, more and more set apart and more and more redeemed so we can experience the redeemed life.

The Body (Future Faith) – (2 Cor 4:16) “…our outward man perishes, yet the inner man is renewed day by day…” The scriptures tell us of a body that is slowly dying, in this, we have our future faith, that God by His power will raise us fully righteous, fully sanctified and fully redeemed into eternity, that the grave has no hold over them which are Christ’s.

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About Steven Birnie

Steven Birnie is a former local Church Minister and the author of Christian publications which include non-fiction, fictional and teaching eBooks with audio sermons. From the north-east coast of Scotland, Pastor Steven is married to Sharon and together, they have two young children called Emily and David. After seven years of training, three years of overseeing youth and young adults and, three years of being the Assistant Pastor in his local Church, Pastor Steven moved on to focus on writing Christian Publications. In the future, he hopes to write The Tribulation Soldier, his newest Series of Fictional, Military EBooks on the End Times, the Rapture and the Tribulation Period, as a 2.5 Million Word Series. But despite continuing pastoral work and writing, Steven remains devoted to his children, enjoying his family life with caravan holidays in the Highlands, fishing, canoeing and his favourite pastime, riding his motorbike through the Scottish countryside.