Cashel Campsite Loch Lomond
We’re continuing the build of our large online platform adding a lot of new videos and features and it’s been a lot of work. However, break time is coming soon with our annual 10 day caravan holiday somewhere in the Scottish Highlands. So, we’ll be on our summer break from the 16th of July through to the 2nd of August, however as always, our eBooks can be downloaded automatically 24/7 from any of our eBook outlets. In addition, we’ll still be posting images and videos during that time while we film some summer holiday videos.
Visit our Birnie Family YouTube channel
This year we’re heading down to the famous Loch Lomond and we’ll be staying in our caravan at a site called Cashel campsite. It’s there we’ll use as a base of operations for the various activities we’ll be up to including a night with the Land Rover and Roof Tent somewhere for a wild camp. During the holiday, we’ll be filming many videos for our Birnie Family YouTube as well as some teaching videos for the Tribulation Soldier Coms, so it won’t be all play. We’re certainly finding that now our holidays are more of a working holiday as we continue to populate our social media with images and videos.
Visit our Birnie Family Fun YouTube channel
I’m sure Loch Lomond is going to be a treasure trove of amazing experiences as we take images and videos and we look forward to sharing. Again our website operates automatically and we’ll still be posting videos throughout, so we hope you enjoy. We certainly wish everyone reading a good summer.