Building a Youtube Channel for Kids
Over the months, our online platform has grown from our eBook series, website and blog to a large social media platform to surround our 16 part Tribulation Soldier eBook Series. At first, we had the basics with Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, but now, it’s grown with the addition of four YouTube Channels and various Blog platforms like Reddit, Tumblr and LinkedIn. This is to hopefully give our readers many features to enjoy on their preferred social media platform while they read our series. In this, these channels have been enjoyable to incorporate and build, but when it comes to pure fun, there is only one!
Visit our Birnie Family Fun YouTube
During my surgery rehab in 2019, we’d been building our Birnie Family YouTube channel so that both readers and visitors, might have a channel with a little something for everyone. This has included my own motorbike vlogs with videos tours of Scottish Castles and Landmarks, as well as playlists with practical videos like DIY Dad and Cars, Bikes & Boats. But recently, YouTube changed things a little by asking YouTubers to specify whether individual videos were aimed at adult viewers or the younger viewer. This presented a problem as our kid’s videos with David and Emily were all mixed within the channel.
So, it was clear that the easiest choice was to create a YouTube channel just for kids so that David and Emily could share life from their perspective for kids to enjoy. This has included many of the activities and antics of the kids including canoeing, quad biking, gaming, model cities and so much more with them both helping fix the car and motorbikes, as well as caravan holidays from their perspective. And what fun it has been. Being the age they are, they have very little apprehension and basically just go for it each time in their own natural way and like our social media videos, which are aimed at the adult viewer, they don’t rehearse and always begin with very little of a plan in mind. Just the idea for the video and again, just going for it,.which makes Dad and Mum very proud of them.
Along with our Tribulation Soldier eBook series channel, Birnie Family channel and Tribulation Soldier Coms channel, we hope that for both readers and visitors, that there will be a little something for everyone on a regular basis. If you’d like to know more, just visit our social media bar displayed throughout our website, to see where the kid’s channel fits into our online platform and we certainly hope that children will enjoy the antics of our David and Emily!
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