Asking Sharon to Marry me
Every girl has that dream of what a marriage proposal and wedding day are all about, but in typical fashion, God had his own way for us and it wasn’t going to be easy. About 3 months down the line from the time in previous testimony article, we attended a Christian Conference and one night while I was falling asleep, I heard the still small voice of God and he said, ‘leave her.’ I sat up in bed, I’d heard this one before and dismissed it, thinking it was just the devil. But it wasn’t. It was God. The next morning I headed round to see Sharon and sat with her, telling her that I didn’t understand why, but that I’d felt God say that I was to leave her.
We were heartbroken, but I knew I had to obey this one so, I packed up the car and headed home for the four-hour journey. After everything we’d been through, this made no sense however it was definitely him. When I got home, I went into the living room and I was pretty wound up at that stage. I looked to God and asked him, do you want me to remain unmarried and serve you? No answer. After a time, I looked at myself and said no, Lord I love her. I can’t do this. So, I phoned Sharon and told her what was happening. She didn’t understand either, but she knew this was God, so I jumped back into the car and headed back for another four-hour journey!
On the way down I felt God impress upon me this sentence, ‘I will give you this, but I will not spoon feed you. You have to pick up the spoon and take a taste for yourself!’ I got what he meant and that word was pointed to my fear of commitment, but why have this whole experience to say this? The purpose was simple and biblical. It was to ensure that Sharon and I both realised that he had to be the centre and our act of obedience proved that we both, had a far greater commitment to God than we had to each other. This was a good thing.
That one experience has coloured our marriage ever since, knowing that I would never receive the love I needed from Sharon and vice versa. It was critical that God made this plain to avoid us sucking the life out of each other, finding that emotional and spiritual need in Christ. A few weeks after this lesson we were married, but not before a couple of more exercises!