The 70 Weeks of Daniel Prophecy Explained – End Times

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The 70 Weeks of Daniel Prophecy

(Daniel 9:24) “…Seventy Weeks are determined upon the people and the holy city, to finish the transgression, and make an end to all sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and bring an everlasting righteousness…”

The 70 Weeks of Daniel Prophecy – This most famous 70 Weeks of Daniel Prophecy, was given to the prophet concerning God’s future dealings with the Children of Israel. It’s divided into two time periods;  a 69 week period and a future 1 week period. In these passages, the keyword used for a week, is the Hebrew word ‘shabua,’ which is translated, as any time period of 7 so….are you ready?

The 69 weeks – The 70 weeks of Daniel began with the only decree given for the rebuilding of Jerusalem, by King Artaxerxes to Nehemiah, which dates in the Jewish month of Nissan 445 BC. Using the prophetic calendar of 360 days (which equal 12, 30 day months) and 7 years representing 1 week,  this makes a total of 483 years (7 x 69 = 483). This means that from Artaxerxes decree in 445 BC, there ’s a 483 year (69 weeks) time period with the end of 69th week, landing on Palm Sunday,  just before the crucifixion of Christ.

The final 70th Week – From then on, salvation turned to the Gentiles (us), with Israel being blinded in part during this age, leaving this gap between the crucifixion of Christ and the beginning of the 70th week which will be, the seven-year trial and tribulation period. This is when God will deal fully with Israel once again and fulfill His Words to the prophet Daniel. “…to finish the transgression, and to make an end to all sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and bring an everlasting righteousness…” …before the second coming of His dear son, Jesus Christ.

THE TRIBULATION SOLDIER – This final 70th Week will be the focus of our 1 million word book 9 in the Tribulation Soldier series, where Matt and his friends will see first hand the judgements of God, the activities of the anti-christ and the book of revelations played out perfectly from God’s Great Word.

The 70 weeks of Daniel Explained

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About Steven Birnie

Steven Birnie is a former local Church Minister and the author of Christian publications which include non-fiction, fictional and teaching eBooks with audio sermons. From the north-east coast of Scotland, Pastor Steven is married to Sharon and together, they have two young children called Emily and David. After seven years of training, three years of overseeing youth and young adults and, three years of being the Assistant Pastor in his local Church, Pastor Steven moved on to focus on writing Christian Publications. In the future, he hopes to write The Tribulation Soldier, his newest Series of Fictional, Military EBooks on the End Times, the Rapture and the Tribulation Period, as a 2.5 Million Word Series. But despite continuing pastoral work and writing, Steven remains devoted to his children, enjoying his family life with caravan holidays in the Highlands, fishing, canoeing and his favourite pastime, riding his motorbike through the Scottish countryside.