The Tribulation Soldier
The 16-part Tribulation Soldier Series of fictional eBooks follow the life of an Armour Infantry Corps (AIC) Special Forces Soldier called Major Matt Dixon and his friends, as they live through the final years of earth’s history with their families, fighting in the world’s conflicts and then finally, following Matt’s seven-year journey to Israel, to take part in the greatest war of all time.
Through these simply written eBooks, we not only have our characters experience the end times events but cover subjects that affect us as people such as relationships, marriage, family, and more. As an Author and a Pastor, I hope that a reader will find this series of eBooks helpful, to explain these great subjects in a clear and uncomplicated way.
The main publications, parts one, two, and three, will be full-length eBooks following our main character Matt Dixon. The other nine eBooks, including some specials in between, will be spin-offs from throughout the three main eBooks, set in the same times and in the same circle of friends as Matt, with him making frequent appearances in each. Hopefully, this will tell the story from many different angles, giving a reader instruction, encouragement, and entertainment, as they read this exciting series.
Pastor Paul’s Intimate Relations Guide is an ebook special spun off from the main publication ‘Pastor, Major, Sniper, Sailor.’ Along with the subject of intimate relations, we follow SAS Major Paul McLaughlin as he continues operations from the Combined Allied Forces base in Morocco!

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